This weekend was one to remember. Who would have thought that we would be feeling opposite emotions at the same time? It was a weekend that Lisa and I have been looking forward to and one that we wish would never have to come. Lisa graduated from Texas Women's University and unfortunately my grandma was taken from this earth, all in the same day. A complete joyous day and a day of mourning. We know that grandma is now in a better place, one that we strive for everyday. Although we are excited that she is in heaven with God, we are sad she is not here with us. Emotions are great whether happy or sad, they put many things in perspective. It's strange how death can make you remember and enjoy those little things in life. Yesterday we celebrated Lisa's graduation with her commencement ceremony as well as a party to remember. Lisa's hard work was capped off by a little bar-b-
que and karaoke with some family and good friends, minus my dad and Jen who went home to
Phx to attend to my grandma's
arrangements (thank you two so much). After the bar-b-
que, we sang until we could not sing anymore, or until everyone left. We had a great time and cannot wait for Lisa to graduate again so we can do it all over. Today we went to the Texas Rangers game, it was a fun day in the sun. However, they did not win, it did not matter because it was all about us spending time with one another. Again, the
important things in life. Thank you to all who helped us celebrate Lisa's accomplishments and please keep our family in your prayers this week as it will have it's challenging moments.